قائمة الأبحاث


1- Y. Al-Angry, S. Savin, K. E. Rammutla, M. J. Pooley, E. R. Van Eck and A.V.Chadwick, "The Stabilization of Metal Oxide Nanocrystals by the Addition of Alumina", Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2003, Vol.158, pp.209-213.   

 2- A.A. Al-Ghamdi, F.S. Al-Hazmi, S. Al-Heniti, Y. Al-Angry, A. El-Mossalamy and Adel faidah, "Potentiality and Kinetic thermal decomposition studies of optically nonlinear Rhodium-tetracyanoquinodimethan adducts", Volume 5 No. 1 Page No. 07-14 June 2008


3- M.A. Gabal and Y.M. Al-Angari, “Effect of diamagnetic substitution on the structural, magnetic and electrical properties of NiFe2O4”, Materials Chemistry and Physics. (Under press).


4- Y.M. Al-Angari, M. W. Kadi , I. M. Ismail & M.A. Gabal “Effect of Alumina Incorporation on Restricting Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline Tin Oxide” (Submitted).


5- M.A. Gabal and Y.M. Al-Angari “Effect of chromium ion substitution on the electromagnetic properties of nickel ferrite” (Submitted).

آخر تحديث
1/10/2009 2:56:54 PM